June 11, 2019 Meeting Minutes

NOW President opened meeting, reminded everyone of the 6 pillars of NOW.

Upcoming Events:
June 25 at Cafe Vino at 5:30
Aug 10 & 11th New West Fest table in front of church
Various hikes and volleyball. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info on how to sign up.
No July NOCO NOW meeting

Treasurer report:
Donations to cover our meeting took rentals for June and August, thank you to the local NOW members who donated! The donation funds from King Soopers are once per quarter, thus have not been distributed yet. A reminder that if you do not have King Soopers money yet to please sign up. Let the Treasurer know, or email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address. The group received $100 in membership dues from national.

Legislative Committee report:
Last meeting on May 28th, we had a discussion related to the topic at the last General meeting about county commissioners seeking to add to the jail without voter approval and how to get involved in that issue.
Next meeting is June 25 at Cafe Vino at 5:30. This is a happy hour so it's informal and fun!

New West Fest update. Church allowed us to set up on their lawn by sidewalk last year, as we can't afford the booth fees for NWF. Church said we can do it again this year, which is great. We will make a donation to thank them. We'll do it Saturday and Sunday during the day, August 10 and 11 and hopefully partner with Planned Parenthood. See newsletter for fun summer events (hikes, volleyball, etc).
The person updating the blog announced that she needs someone to take over the blog for the next year as she will be traveling. Email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up a time to get trained.
If you're interested in supporting Planner Parenthood with volunteering, sign up with NOW president and she will connect you. They are potentially interested in someone to be at a health liaison table inside the clinic, to provide information on PP's services.

Special Announcement regarding the 2020 celebration of Women's Suffrage:
Governor Hickenlooper created a commission called Women and the Vote, 2020, with events in every county. CO was the first state to give women the vote by popular vote. Installation of a sculpture by a Loveland artist to commemorate the suffragists may be placed in Washington, DC. This is sponsored by Neguse, Bennett, and Gardner. Next week is the hearing in the Senate. Monument is being sponsored by donations because government funding is very difficult to get. However, in general women have far fewer commemorative statues in public places than famous men, or male-dominated activities such as war, so this would be a great addition to our nation's public spaces and historical representation. Go to everywordweutter.org to find out more. A motion was brought up for our group to write a letter of support for the hearing for the statue next week and the motion passed. Can also sign up to help with Women Vote 2020, such as doing a suffrage presentation with the League. More info to come but if you have ideas please get connected with club leadership!

President introduced special guest, Joann Ginal, a member and our state Senator! Shared she has enjoyed joining the State Senate, quite a different experience than the House. 455 bills passed. One of Joann's bills was vetoed by the governor. Explained some of the political tactics used by the minority during the session. New leadership, new governor, lots of learning for everyone. Governor Polis was very involved. Explained why she did not support the bill to repeal the death penalty, which was not due to the idea behind the bill but rather because the hearing was moved to a new time and day with no notice, leaving out the opportunity for appropriate testimony. Will be brought up again next year with time for testimony. Vaccine bill will be coming back again next year, as well as supervised injection sites and others. Discussed drug importation bill that passed to allow reasonably priced medication from Canada to come to CO. Bill also passed to cap insulin costs—first state to pass this! Still working on the bill for drug price transparency. Bill requiring licensing of free standing emergency room facilities. Bill passed requiring senators to make at least two trips between the session to visit communities they represent. Shared several other bills that passed. Equal pay passed! Will continue to work in healthcare, senior issues, housing.
Encouraged us be involved in the legislative process. Contact info for your state reps and senators can be found here.

Meeting adjourned 

Planned Parenthood Legislative Happy Hour
May 2019 Feminist Book Club
Copyright © NOCO NOW 2025. All Rights Reserved.
